It's that time of the year...
Once again we'll be offering organic, pastured turkeys for your holiday meals. We're offering pastured turkeys fed a certified organic feed and given no antibiotics or artificial hormones. These aren't your "free-range" yet raised in barns turkeys, these are all rotated on pasture on certified organic farms.
We're currently taking pre-orders for all of our wholesale and buying club customers for $10 per bird. The sizes are small (10-14 lbs), medium (15-18 lbs), large (19-22 lbs), and extra-large (23 lbs and over).
We'll always do our best to guarantee sizing, but there's a chance we might extend the size ranges within 2 lbs per bird. Cut off for sizing will be November 11th. There will be more birds available after that date, but at that point sizing will be first come, first served.
We've had some issues with sizing before, but we've been monitoring the turkey sizes more closely this year. We're looking at average size being in the medium range.
The reason that we can't guarantee sizing 100% has to do with the nature of nature.
Our bird's health and well-being takes precedent over offering birds in a factory style certainty. In order to offer sizing the way larger, even "free-range", suppliers do, they have temperature controlled environments, feed rationing, and limited space. It's not necessarily rocket science, but it's more science than farming.
That is, however, not how we operate. We like to keep our birds happy. That means that they're on pasture, encouraged to forage, given space to move, and don't have their feed rationed out to them. This means a fluctuation in weight that can't be equated the way that a CAFO operation can.
And that's just how we feel it should be.
That said, we'll do the best we can to get sizing lined up, but we will also have some freshly frozen turkeys if you need to ensure that you get a smaller size turkey if we don't have as many available.
If you're looking for something a little more edgy than the traditional holiday turkey, we have a limited amount of ducks, very limited amount of geese, and heritage breed chickens. All raised on pasture with a supplemental GMO/hormone/antibiotic free feed.
Interested in ordering? Existing customers can place their turkey deposits with existing wholesale or buying club orders. But if you're not an existing customer, go to to find out how to buy from the co-op. You can also email: lffcmeats [at] gmail (dot) com.